Cafe Rio Pork


New member
Hello All,

I’m looking to smoke a Pork Butt for sweet pulled pork using the Café Rio Pulled Pork recipe using Coke or Dr Pepper as the flavor. All the recipes are for a slow cooker and the coke is added to the pork about 6 hours after starting, then another two hours of cooking time. Does anyone know if I can just marinade the pork in the Coke (and spices) and put it on the smoker? I guess I’m not sure why they add it later and if it would create a problem.



Some things break down after cooking for a long time. Red wines, for example, will break down and become very acidic if cooked for long periods.

I honestly don't know if this is the case for regular cola or soft drinks, but it's something to consider since every recipe I found for Cafe Rio Sweet Pork called for the Coke to be added later.

Again I dpn't know if this is the case for regular soda. BUT, I do know for a fact that Diet sodas (or anything) containing Aspartame (Nutra-sweet) should NEVER be used in cooking as it breaks down into formic acid.
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New member
A method that may allow you to use your Coke or Dr. Pepper (or Cheerwine here in NC), is to cook the pork butt low and slow until it gets to about 145 IT, then double wrap in an aluminum foil pan with your favorite marinade (Coke or the Dr.) and finish until the IT gets to 195, or so. You will get the best of low and slow, and a moist sweet pork butt. This is a variation of some comp cooks that are looking for meat that is not too dry. This should do it. I have used this method quite often (although not with any drinks products) and it really works well. Good luck and keep us posted.



You know, Art, You just made me think of ham glazes that use cola, etc. using the method you describe and it works great!

P.S. I miss Cheerwine - ahhh great memories of good ole' NC


New member

Thank you all for the great information, I think a low slow cook and then adding the Coke and finish cooking in foil will be the way I'll go. This is the first time I have come to this forum and have been very impressed with the knowledge and friendliness of the cooks. I will post back once I try it.



We get cheer wine at a SoCal soda pop store. My daughter works with a young lady from NC. .i get her a case here and there to remind her of home. I think it works the best of the three with DP being second


New member
I read somewhere a cook used Cerry DR Pepper because he couldn't get cheerwine.. said it came out good

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